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You say chassis and I say chassis!

Chassis is quite an unusual word. First, the singular and the plural form are spelled the same, c-h-a-s-s-i-s. Second, the singular and the plural forms are pronounced differently. Third, the Brits pronounce both forms differently from the Americans! And I won't even go into how to form and pronounce the possessives!

According to Webster's Online Dictionary, one chassis is pronounced by an American as cha'-see. Two or more are cha'-seez. However, I know some Americans who say cha'-sis or cha'-sus for the singular form.

The British pronounce the first consonant sound with an sh- sound, instead of ch. So instead of cha-see and cha-seez, the Brits say sha-see and sha-seez.

Confused? Go to the Webster's online dictionary, where they have sound files. You can listen to their official pronounciations, and see how yours compares.

Or you can just call it a frame!

Jim Allen Aug. 1, 2002 is copyright 2002 by Jim Allen of