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 vintage hand-made
  brass slot car chassis

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I am using this section of to document my own collection of over 100 vintage handmade slotcar chassis. Comments are welcome! - Jim Allen

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21. International Three Rail GP Chassis

Brass wire three rail chassis, in Grand Prix width.

22. Brass Sports Car Chassis

A free-form brass chassis from about 1967.

23. Brass Anglewinder Chassis

Scratchbuilt by Jack Fine.

24. International three rail chassis

Brass three rail sports car chassis from International.

25. REHCO FT-16 Competition Frame

REH sports car chassis, still stapled to its sales card!

26. Vintage Brass Rod Sports Car Chassis

Appears to be a copy of a Team Russkit-type chassis from about 1967.

27. Fragile One-Rail Chassis

One-rail brass chassis, thin and fragile.

28. Pan Bashing!

Take a Riggen Flat Pan chassis, and change it completely!

29. Sawn in Half!

How could someone do this to a poor, defenseless Ferret?

30. 1/32 MINI TRICK #7 Brass Pan Frame

Signed "By DLK"

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